
Book name: The Meaning of Gifts : Stories from Turkey (written byTricia Hedge ,retold b Jennifer Bassett )

1.new words learnt :
(1)  blond - a very light yellow colour
(2)  bury - to put a dead person in the ground
(3)  chador - a long garment worn onver the head and body by muslim women when they go outside
(4)  colourless - without colour or (in this story) showing no feeling
(5)  Efendi - a polite Turkish word when you speak to a man
(6)  grave - a hole in the ground for a dead person
(7)  hose - somebody who has guest in their house
(8)  imambayildi - a cooked vegetable dish of aubergine ,onions ,and tomatoes
(9)  mate -  an animal or bird that is the 'husband' or 'wife' of another
(10)measles - an illness with small red sports on the skin
(11)parchment - a special kind of 'paper' made from animal skins
(12)raki - a strong alcoholicin Turkey
(13)religious - believing in God and doing the right things for your religion
(14)symbol - something which is a sign or mark for another thing
(15)strange - unusual or suprising ;that you don't know
(16)heart - your heart pushes the blood round your body
(17)imagine - to have some picture in your head
(18)government - th e people who control a country or a city
(19)frozen - (adj) : very , very cold and hard like ice
(20)forgive - to show that you are not angry with someone any more

2.about this book....
Life is full of things that make you smile ,and things to make you cry. And they are all here in these stories. In the first story, we see how difficult it is, in a small house, to have guests who stay a long time.......
Then we meet Guldiken, who is telling his mother about his day at school, but how can she understand? City life is very different from life in village......In the next story, Unal must stay in bed because he has meales, but across the road is a wonderful toy shop.....And when the little hunters at the lake shoot their first bird, they are very excited - until they learn what kind of bird it is........

3.my comment & thought.....
This is a very good and meaningful book. It tells us the meaning of gifts and let us know that, how the other people they treat their life. There are also some excercise at the back of the book. This could let us understand and know what the writter wanted to tell us through the story more easily. The vocabulary that used in this book is also very easy, we can study and understand it easily. 

